The FSCCIS is part of the national effort to track South Africa's overall transition to a low carbon and climate resilient economy by offering a series of decision support tools to inform policy and decision-making.
The system monitors and evaluates climate change drivers, events, links to national objectives, targets and strategies in respect of climate change mitigation and adaptation monitoring and assessment of actions taken by stakeholders.
The FSCCIS is part of the national effort to track South Africa's overall transition to a low carbon and climate resilient economy as required by the National Development Plan (Vision 2030) and the National Climate Change Response Policy (2011) as well as the South Africa’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC 2015) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Climate change transparency is at the heart of the Paris Agreement and as such South Africa, along with other countries will need to enhance reporting on climate actions and their effects. The system monitors and evaluates climate change drivers, events, links to national objectives, targets and strategies in respect of climate change mitigation and adaptation monitoring and assessment of actions taken by stakeholders.